Should You Add Salt in Coffee Grounds?

Should You Add Salt in Coffee Grounds?

There are as several ways to enjoy coffee as there are coffee lovers. Are you among the group of people who tend to add an amount of salt in coffee grounds? Have you seen a lot of videos of people adding salt to their coffee? Whether in the grounds or the final cup, coffee-salters are always ready to try. Now, take an in-depth understanding about this subject in the article.

Why do people add salt in coffee grounds?

Usually, we are used to seasoning our steaks with a small amount of salt in boiling pasta or potatoes. However, it is not often that salt and coffee are suggested as a perfect combination.

Coffee trends usually come and go, so there is always a new wave to brew. The good news is that coffee and salt remain a good combo. This is because adding salt into your coffee ground is proven to have positive effects on the brew. Furthermore, it has shown to have lots of benefits.

A flavor enhancer

Adding sugar, milk, and syrups to a cup of a coffee has become conventional, salt could also be used to change the taste. Just improving flavors to dishes, salt can also create depth tastes to your coffee.

Based on the type of roast you are selecting and the brewing method, salt is the key to show your coffee beans. Salt in your coffee grounds will remove the bitter flavor. Sometimes, it is better than sugar in your cup of coffee.

When you add the salt in the true proportions, your cup does not have a salty taste. Salt reduces bitterness and makes your coffee more dedicated. Thus, if you have a cup of coffee with strong and bitter coffee, take a pinch of salt and see the change.

A natural water softener

You could be surprised that salt is used as a water filter and even a natural water softener. Many manufacturers make coffee machines with handy water reservoirs. However, it probably causes stale water. Then, you use the water to brew the coffee, you are using stale water.

Please keep in mind that you should select high-quality beans, grind them by yourself, and use fresh water. Then, you add a small amount of salt that might support the staleness of the water and use that water to your coffee.

An element to acid combat

Grind size, brewing process, and the coffee bean roast impact the acidity of coffee. The solution is considered acidic, which falls from 0 to 7 on the pH scale. Science experts say that most coffee varieties are acidic, ranging from 4.85 to 5.13 on a pH scale. Acidity in coffee does not influence someone, but it becomes an element to cause acid reflux or heartburn.

For those who have a reaction to coffee, they should limit their intake or select low-acid beans to enjoy coffee. If you have a similar situation, you will try a tiny amount of salt in your coffee cup. Another method is to put salt in coffee grounds before brewing.

A method to increase sodium level

Coffee drinkers might have decreased sodium levels in their bodies, relying on the coffee consumption. Caffeine is a diuretic, raising the speed of natural sodium expulsion. Coffee is not a real risk, but it is necessary to balance, including sodium levels.

You know, sodium plays an important role in your body. It circulates your blood pressure and other bodily functions. Therefore, an amount of salt in coffee grounds may bring out any sodium that could be lost in your body when consuming coffee. Of course, you should take caution when using salt. This is because an extensive amount of salt intake probably leads to serious issues for your health like blood pressure and stroke.

Sweetener replace

Consuming too much sugar and other similar additives will be a harmful component to your well-being. Adding a pinch of salt in coffee grounds might cut back on sugar, taking it a good choice.

A tiny amount of salt possibly enhances the flavor of your brew and you do not have to add any sugar. Although you have to spend a lot of time to add salt in your coffee, the benefits of it might help overall nutrition and preference.

History of salt in coffee grounds

In ancient times, salt was scarce as gold, so the King family used it only. These days, people produce salt more and more. People try using salt in coffee and love that way. Hungarians, Siberians, and Scandinavians have enjoyed their salted coffee cups for several decades because of the surrounding sea.

Salt coffee has been around for some time. People in some island countries put seawater in their coffee. Salt could improve the coffee taste for any inhabitant, especially the low class. For sailors and seafaring people, salt coffee has become their favorite beverage.

Today, some baristas combine sweet and savory elements in certain drinks, particularly coffee. He or she can use sugar and an amount of salt in a café mocha, for instance, to balance the tastes.

Health benefits of using salt in coffee

Whether you add salt in coffee grounds or a cup of brewed coffee, you are consuming to the mix. It increases the sodium intake for your body of the day, even by a shred. Though the amount of salt to add to your coffee is not a copious fraction of a teaspoon, it is still an increment. Here are a few health benefits of using salt coffee in your diets.

  • Improve your immune system and metabolism
  • Remain your weight
  • Increase antioxidant levels
  • Prevent neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer and Parkinson)
  • Revamp mood
  • Reduce risk of cancers (colorectal cancer and liver cancer)
  • Decrease risk of stroke
  • Good for those who have type-2 diabetes

How does salt fight bitterness?

Bitterness releases calcium ions and sends “bitter” signals to the brain. Salt controls the reaction, so you will feel less bitter in your taste buds. Coffee lovers point out that salt in the coffee cups makes the taste more savory and decreases bitter. However, it is vital to recognize some of the things that might create coffee with a less mellow taste.

The brewing process and the way you put coffee in the hot plate for more than an hour. After about 30 minutes (or more) on a hot plate, your coffee possibly goes from tasting fresh to tasting horrible.

How to add salt in your coffee ground

Add a quarter teaspoon of salt to 6 tablespoons of coffee grounds, for instance. You can increase the salt amount or decrease it based on your favorite. There are no rules and recipes to follow. You are free to determine the right ratio.

“How much salt should I add to my coffee?” Add a small amount of salt to the coffee ground before brewing or a small pinch to an already brewed coffee cup. The salt will balance and complete the flavors. You could add a tiny amount of salt to the coffee grounds before brewing or an already brewed coffee. Just make sure that your coffee cup has not been over extracted or has not gone a little stale.

When you could not add salt in coffee

There are circumstances in which a pinch of salt would not improve your coffee flavor, especially premium coffee. Salt may hide some of the flavor profiles in coffee. Light roast coffee type is a common example.

Light roast coffee beans are tastier since they have not been roasted long to get the amount of phenylindanes in dark roasts. Moreover, if your body get one of those conditions, your diets require low-sodium meals. You need to get rid of salt in the coffee route. Here are a few instances:  

  • Acid reflux
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney disease

Final words

Everybody always knows how they like their coffee cups. Black or not, with or without salt, salt or sugar, milk or soy milk – these are some of the selections. Adding a pinch of salt in coffee grounds is a choice in your coffee menu. You can kick off the way of making a new coffee style.